4 Unique Ideas to Stay Connected to Long-Distance Family

May 14, 2022

Moving into a senior living community can bring a multitude of life changes. Sometimes family members live in different towns, and older adults strive to stay connected. While an impromptu lunch together may not be on the menu, there are many ways to foster close relationships with family. Senior living communities, such as Beacon Crest Senior Living, offer many family-friendly events. These events are enjoyable, but what about daily communication? Phone calls and text messages are often the preferred mode of communication. Here are a few other ideas to help residents stay in touch with long-distance family members.

Never underestimate the power of the written word. Letter writing has become the lost art of communication. Teaching grandchildren to put pen to paper regularly can expand their communication skills and create closer bonds. Whether sending cards, letters, sketches, or ongoing games like tic tac toe, being a pen pal with a grandchild can be a fun learning opportunity. Some families have played a story game where each member adds a sentence to a story and then mails the letter to the next family member. While the younger generation is used to instant communication through text messaging or emails, sharing something tangible can be a new experience.
Maintaining eye contact while having a conversation can deepen the communication connection. If family members live in different towns, there are other ways to have face-to-face conversations when travel is not possible. If both family members have an iPhone, FaceTime allows the possibility of video chatting. There are other apps available if some members use android phones. WhatsApp is a popular option and also cuts down on the cost of international calls. Skype is another user-friendly possibility to spend time together. No matter which app is chosen, the benefits of seeing each other while talking are immeasurable.
Zoom often is used for work meetings or school classes. Families and friends have discovered that Zoom also can be used for socialization. If older adults are uncomfortable navigating the guidelines, a family member can set up the meetings. Relatives receive a link with a scheduled day and time. Residents can click on the link and spend an hour chatting and laughing with their families. Zoom creates a way to connect to family no matter the various cities and towns where they reside.
Families can download apps for traditional games like Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, and Wheel of Fortune. Using a virtual meeting place like Google Hangouts, Zoom, or Skype creates a communication platform. Are family members not wanting to download an app? Play Bingo the traditional way. Each family member will need a Bingo board and a way to notate the numbers. Once everyone is online, players keep track of their game board while one family member is designated to call out the Bingo numbers. With imagination, the possibilities are endless.  Moving into a senior living community is just the beginning of fun family time. Utilizing creativity can help foster strong family bonds and reinforce emotional connections.
Picture of Amber Sorgato
Amber Sorgato