3 Perspectives to Consider When Moving into a Senior Living Home

July 30, 2022

When is the right time to move into a senior living home? Many factors come into making this decision. Are you deciding for yourself? Is it time for you and your spouse to make the move? Or is it time for your parent to have the extra help you are not able to provide at this time? Senior Living communities, such as Beacon Crest Senior Living, provide multiple care options. How do you know the time has come? Here are a few viewpoints when considering a life change.  

Did you know many older adults move into homes after a physical injury due to balance issues or suffering a significant health ailment? Time can pass quickly. One health problem turns into numerous health problems without the individual realizing how far things have shifted. Many seniors wait to make choices about their living needs until their families need to make choices for them. What about that time of life when you would like to have someone around, just in case, but have an independent lifestyle? Imagine the possibility of receiving care that could help avoid such accidents and support your health. Now might be the time to consider moving into a senior living community to help deter these health challenges. What are some benefits to consider when making this choice?
Remember when your parents told you to eat all your vegetables? Having access to nutritious meals will strengthen the body’s health. While living at home, adults are often not inspired to cook anymore. The responsibility of choosing what to make, preparing the meal, cleaning up after the meal sends many to the frozen dinner section at the grocery store. Over time, fresh food healthfully prepared becomes less of a reality. What if you had a personal chef available to you for every meal? Nutritiously dense meals prepared with an awareness of a senior’s needs can strengthen the body and the brain. Did you know living in a clean environment can boost your mood? Senior living communities have staff who will do your laundry, take out your trash, and keep your suite fresh, vibrant, and joyful.  
What was that sound? Did I remember to turn off the oven? Who are you supposed to contact if you take a fall? When is a good time to reach out if you are concerned with your living situation? All of these worries fall away while living in a senior living community. There is staff awake and alert to your needs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Often you may not need any help, but knowing it is available creates invaluable peace of mind. The energy once spent worrying over details can be redirected to maintaining an active lifestyle.
Couples who have been together for many years approach the time of life when they need to consider new living situations. Sometimes one person may require a higher level of care than the other. Many times, the proper care is challenging for the spouse to provide. The option to move into a senior living community as a couple is increasing in popularity. Deciding for the extra help while aging in place, the all-inclusive price points, or the opportunity to build community, many active older adults are ready to move.
While couples are growing older together, the aging process is often a different experience for each individual. Genetics and life habits often play a part in how each person can navigate this chapter. Couples need to consider how to best support each other while also caring for themselves. Senior living communities are in place to care for the individual while supporting the couples’ needs. Many couples choose to move in together while one spouse is without health challenges. Having that extra level of support can bring both individuals peace of mind and help them enjoy their time together.
Date nights are paramount to keeping couples connected. Trying new activities together or going on a new adventure can support relationships of any age. Couples living in a senior living community have the opportunity to participate in daily activities such as trivia hour, bus tours, board games, music concerts, and exercise classes. One spouse may want to rest while the other wants to attend a crafting hour. Senior communities supply the support allowing individuals to enjoy activities as part of a couple or solo.  
When is it time for your parents to move into a senior living community? You have been watching over your parents and started noticing each season has increased the necessity for extra help at their home. While it may be a difficult decision, you have realized they require more care than you can give. Whether it be repeated doctor trips, meal management, medical care, or socialization, the time has come for professional support. Beacon Crest Senior Living provides a beautiful place to live that feels like home while caring for your parents. Many have realized the importance of making this choice before a significant health concern arises. The opportunity to age in place while receiving professional support can extend and enhance the quality of life.
Whether needing help to transfer from the couch to a walker, prescription management, or extra care after surgery, senior living homes provide that extra help. Healthcare professionals allow your parents to retain dignity while traveling the aging journey. Either your parents need medical attention that you are untrained to provide, or they do not want to ask their child for that type of help. Having Certified Nursing Assistants on standby twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week allows for peace of mind. Senior living communities, such as Beacon Crest Senior Living, have a smaller caregiver to the resident ratio. This ratio allows for a faster response time in providing care.
Your parents have each other, and they have you. These relationships are imperative. What about having time with friends? It can be challenging to arrange a lunch with a friend or an outing somewhere interesting due to a lack of transportation or scheduling. Senior living communities, such as Beacon Crest Senior Living, offer multiple possibilities for socializing and building a sense of community. Mealtimes are the perfect gatherings for sharing a meal while building friendships. In addition, Beacon Crest schedules daily activities such as movies, music concerts, games, and exercise opportunities. There are bus trips to parks, live theaters, scenic drives, and picnics. Sometimes one parent may wish to relax while the other is ready for an adventure. Living in a community allows both parents to socialize as they like to while removing the pressure to organize logistics. Whether it be their social life, their medical care, or their nutritional health, letting the professionals care for your parents’ health allows you the opportunity to visit and enjoy your time together.
Picture of Amber Sorgato
Amber Sorgato